During an information session, the legal advisers of the CDA answered the refugees’ questions. Several clarifications were requested about the conditions of entry in Romania and other EU countries, the necessary documents, procedures for applying for asylum in the Republic of Moldova.

The discussion with the beneficiaries showed that refugees more often need the support of the CDA for access to legal information, individual legal advice and legal representation, services that will be provided in the project funded by Oxfam. It also provides for actions to support the integration of refugees. With the support of local communities, CDA will organize activities to disseminate information about the rights and obligations of refugees, will support local events, important local projects for the host community.

At the “Grația” Refugee Center, CDA employees, Natalia Screlea, Vica Tepordei, Ludmila Cara-Palii, Diana Covalenco Norosian, Vasile Norosian, Dina Juc, organized informative activities for children, who painted, danced, became friends with their Moldovan counterparts.

The Oxfam project implemented by the Law Center provides for the creation by the CDA of legal aid offices in ten localities in the country, including Causeni.