Ensuring the rights of children who have taken refuge in the Republic of Moldova as a result of the armed conflict in Ukraine: practical aspects
August 14, 2023

– General principles applicable to asylum cases;
– Forms of protection granted on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
– Principle of respect for the best interests of the child;
– The notion of “child” and some legal aspects of respect for the rights of the child in the context of war;
– Principles of assistance to refugee children;
– Documentation procedure for unaccompanied refugee children or children accompanied by unauthorized persons;
– Mechanism for identification and referral of unaccompanied children crossing the border on entry/exit and on the territory of the country;
– Determination of the status of children at risk;
– Procedure for documenting unaccompanied refugee children or children accompanied by unauthorized persons in case of lack of identity documents, possession of expired documents;
– Departure from the territory of the Republic of Moldova of children arriving as a result of the war in Ukraine;
– Procedure for the documentation of children born on the territory of the Republic of Moldova to parents who are refugees from Ukraine
– Social protection of foreign children entering the Republic of Moldova from Ukraine and the role of social protection staff and guardianship authorities;
– Practical aspects of assistance and protection of refugee children in the Republic of Moldova from the perspective of granting temporary protection to displaced persons from Ukraine.