The meeting was attended by the head of the General Inspectorate of Border Police (GIBP), Rosian Vasiloi, the head of the General Directorate
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In a letter of thanks, the head of state expressed her gratitude to the members of the Law Center of Advocates team for
In a project recently signed with Oxfam, the Law Center will set up legal aid offices for refugees in Ukraine in ten locations
More than 700 refugees were legally counseled in the first month of implementation of the project signed between the Law Center of Advocates
The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is the fastest-growing and at a large scale in Europe since the Second World War Hundreds of thousands
You can apply for asylum at any Moldovan border crossing point, at any police station or at the offices of the Bureau of
In the context of COVID-19 pandemic The Law Center of Lawyers also operates online / by phone, offering legal advice to asylum seekers,
The Public Association “Law Centre of Advocates” is looking for a qualified person for a vacant position of Lawyer to support the “Legal assistance to
În contextul epidemiei Coronavirus (COVID-19), Centrul de Drept al Avocaților activează în regim online/telefon oferind consiliere juridică solicitanților de azil, refugiaților, apatrizilor.
Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus. Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the WHO website and
Prezenta hotărîre de judecată va fi considerată definitivă în temeiul circumstanțelor stipulate în Articolul 44 § 2 din Convenție. Poate fi supusă revizuirii
11.05.2018/18.05.2018 – Seminar – Accesul în teritoriu în conformitate cu Convenția de la Geneva din 1951;
Scopul seminarului: Familiarizarea colaboratorilor Inspectoratului General al Poliției de Frontieră (IGPF) cu privire la standardele și principiile reglementate în Convenția de la Geneva din 1951 privind statutul refugiaților inclusiv semnificația principiului non-refoulment și accesul în procedura de azil.