The CDA legal advisers from Causeni, Diana Covalenco-Norosian and Vasile Norosian, identified new possibilities to be in direct and permanent contact with the beneficiaries. The solution is to create a communication platform on Telegram Canal, which can be accessed by refugees from Ukraine, hosted in the localities of Causeni and Stefan Voda districts.

Such an agreement was reached at an information session on June 16, with the participation of 80 refugees from Ukraine. CDA beneficiaries had many questions, most of them about the integration process in local communities, such as employment, enrollment of children in kindergartens, their vaccination, the procedure for obtaining asylum status and the necessary documents, the validity of documents and legal norms on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, the possibility of leaving for EU states.

The issues covered during the discussion were varied. Beneficiaries said that they constantly needed some information, clarifications, or legal advice. This led to the idea of creating a group on Telegram Canal, where refugees could ask CDA legal advisers questions at any time and get answers to them. Information on refugee activities and new legal issues will also be posted here.
Vasile and Diana Norosian previously created a permanent communication platform with social workers from Causeni district. At a meeting with them on June 15, it was agreed to set up a joint group on Viber, which will give them the opportunity to obtain at any time the information they need regarding the status, rights of refugees, the obligations of local authorities in relation to them.