CDA lawyers intervened in several cases of undocumented children and started legal proceedings to finalize documentation, where appropriate – establishing custody.
Sergiu Lazar identified a child in Telenesti district from a family of refugees from Ukraine, whose only parent is abroad. In cooperation with the employees of the Telenesti Social Assistance and Family Protection Department and of the town hall of the locality where the minor resides, the CDA legal advisor initiated the procedure for establishing custody. The child is currently in the care of a family in the district, is institutionalized and attends the local school.
Tatiana Vicol managed to obtain from the ASP office in Drochia the transcription of the birth certificate of a boy, born in the Russian Federation and left by his Moldovan mother since he was five years old in the Republic of Moldova without any status (he had neither guardianship nor curatorship). The boy was cared for by sisters who were also minors at the time. For years they tried to document the brother, but were unsuccessful, having only a copy of the birth certificate.
Following the involvement of CDA lawyers Tatiana Vicol and Mihai Gangan the boy’s original birth certificate was obtained, opening the way for the minor to acquire Moldovan citizenship.