The President of the CNRR, Niculae Cârcu, the members of the CNRR team, Miruna-Ioana Terciu and Andreea Ghimpu-Lupașcu, met on 17 May at the headquarters of the organization with the Executive Director of the CDA, Oleg Palii, the CDA Programe Director, Svetlana Jioară, the CDA Project Coordinator, Olga Vacarciuc.
At the meeting, information was exchanged on the work carried out by the two organizations after 24 February 2022, and the experience of cooperation with UNHCR and national authorities in the field of asylum was shared.
Problems, challenges in the work and ways to solve/overcome them were also discussed.

On the second day of their stay in the Republic of Moldova, members of the CNRR and UNHCR Romania delegation travelled to the south of the country to find out about the opportunities created for displaced persons from Ukraine.
They were accompanied by CDA’s Executive Director and Programe Director, Oleg Palii and Svetlana Jioară, respectively, and were guided on the spot by CDA team members from Căușeni and Ștefan Vodă districts: Vasile and Diana Norosian, Corina Repeșciuc and Anton Zagoreț.
The first meeting in the territory took place at the Căușeni District Public Library, where the CDA lawyers are hosted to counsel the beneficiaries. They talked about the work of the CDA in the district, the close and efficient cooperation with the Căușeni District Public Library, the local authorities, the Căușeni Social Assistance Department and other NGOs, the conditions created for refugees to integrate into local communities.

Representatives of the CNRR, UNHCR Romania also visited the Grația Placement Centre in the district of Căușeni, familiarized themselves with the conditions created for the beneficiaries, were informed about its activity, the effective collaboration with the CDA.

The Social Assistance and Family Protection Directorate Ștefan Vodă was the next point of the visit of the CNRR and UNHCR Romania representatives to the southern districts of the country.
During the meeting with the DASPF officials, the guests were informed about the situation of displaced persons from Ukraine settled in Ștefan Vodă district, social protection measures undertaken to help refugees, cooperation relations with UNHCR Moldova and its legal partner – CDA.
Head of DASPF Ștefan Vodă, Aurica Cebotari, also referred to the procedures and mechanism for the protection of minors.
Colleagues from Romania also visited the Palanca Bus Station. The present here members of the organizations spoke to them about their work and how they intervene in cases of refugees.
Igor Becciev informed the guests about the legal and informational assistance provided to displaced persons by CDA staff.

Representatives of CNRR, UNHCR Romania had the opportunity to follow the procedures of working with an unaccompanied minor from Ukraine, how he was picked up from Palanca Crossing Point, legally assisted and transferred to Popeasca Placement Centre.
At the Centre, its administrator Ludmila Damaschin gave details of the work with the beneficiaries – elderly displaced persons and with many children. Ludmila Damaschin highly appreciated the cooperation with the CDA employees, who are open and responsive even in cases of non-legal problems.

The Romanian National Council for Refugees is a non-governmental organization established in Romania in 1998 with the mission to promote and defend by all legal means human rights in general and the rights of migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in particular. Like the CDA, the CNRR is a partner of the UNHCR.