CDA beneficiaries satisfied with the assistance provided by the association’s lawyers

More than 97 percent of CDA beneficiaries are either very satisfied or satisfied with the services provided by the association’s lawyers – show the results of an online survey conducted between January 1 and September 31, 2024, by CDA.

More than 98 percent of respondents say they received the help they expected in full or mostly received the services they needed. The same number of survey respondents said that the information they received was very clear or clear enough to know how to take further action.

Among the most requested legal services were trainings and information, legal assistance and counseling, representation in court. The majority of beneficiaries needed CDA legal assistance for issues related to asylum (84.6%), obtaining citizenship (12%) or stateless status (3.4%).

Suggestive on the degree of satisfaction with CDA services are the comments of beneficiaries:

“I turned to a CDA counselor for advice on acquiring citizenship and received qualified advice and recommendations on where to go to collect the necessary documents”.

“I addressed to CDA counselor on the issue of acquiring citizenship. I received the necessary advice on the procedure and necessary actions to be taken. Thank you”.

“I received qualified legal advice on my rights and assistance in registering for temporary protection”.

“With the help of a CDA lawyer I have been registered for temporary protection. I also received advice on how to have my medical qualification recognized in Moldova”.

“For elderly refugees like me, your organization is very important. I could not have succeeded without you”.

“The CDA lawyers are amazing! Thank you so much for your time and kindness”.

“CDA is the best team. I wish there were more good people like you”.

“Thank you for caring about Ukrainians. You are qualified specialists and kind-hearted people”.

“I got a comprehensive answer to all my questions. Thank you for your kindness and professionalism, understanding and assistance”.

Last Updated on:

October 1, 2024

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Alianța Globală pentru Eradicarea Apatridiei

Partener internațional CDA

Alianța Globală pentru Eradicarea Apatridiei este o platformă creată sub egida UNHCR, cu misiunea de a crea „o lume fără apatridie, în care toți oamenii să se bucure de dreptul la o naționalitate fără discriminare”. Inițiativa face parte din „Agenda noastră comună” a Secretarului General al ONU și este aliniată la Obiectivele de Dezvoltare Durabilă.

Alianța Globală urmează să fie lansată la 14 octombrie 2024, în cadrul Segmentului la nivel înalt privind apatridia de la Geneva, care va marca finalizarea campaniei IBelong.

În timp ce se bazează pe succesele și lecțiile învățate din Campania IBelong, Alianța Globală are o abordare distinctă. Modul său de operare se axează pe promovarea unei mai mari colaborări și a unei acțiuni accelerate între actorii relevanți, inclusiv statele, apatrizii, agențiile ONU și societatea civilă. Scopul ei este de a accelera punerea în aplicare a soluțiilor la apatridie.

În prezent, Alianța include peste 50 de membri.

Acordarea de asistență juridică persoanelor apatride este una dintre direcțiile de activitate ale Centrului de Drept al Avocaților. CDA este de asemenea membru asociat al Rețelei Europene privind Apatridia – European Network on Statelessness (ENS). Centrul de Drept al Avocaților a aderat la Alianța Globală pentru Eradicarea Apatridiei în luna iunie 2024.

Global alliance to end statelessness

CDA International Partner

The Global Alliance to End Statelessness
The Global Alliance to End Statelessness is a collaborative multistakeholder platform led by UNHCR. Its vision is to create “a world free from statelessness where everyone enjoys the right to a nationality without discrimination.” The initiative is part of the UN Secretary General’s ‘Our Common Agenda’ and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Alliance is set to launch on 14 October 2024 at the High-Level Segment on Statelessness in Geneva, which will both mark the completion of the IBelong Campaign.
While building upon the successes, momentum, and lessons learned from the IBelong Campaign, the Global Alliance operates with a distinct approach. Its modus operandi centres around fostering greater collaboration and expedited action among relevant actors, including States, stateless individuals, UN agencies, and civil society. The goal is to accelerate the implementation of solutions to statelessness
The Alliance currently includes over 50 members.
CDA joined the Global Alliance to End Statelessness in June 2024.

Irina Vrancean

Ofițer Protecție

Irina Vrancean a absolvit Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Facultatea de Drept, specializarea de drept economic și a obținut masteratul în drept civil la aceeași instituție de învățământ superior.

Ea dispune de o  experiență de peste 10 ani de activitate profesională, în calitate de jurist principal, asistent judiciar, consultant juridic la câteva companii, precum și în cadrul Judecătoriei Centru, municipiul Chișinău.  

Din 28.01.22-28.01.24 Irina Vrancean a efectuat stagierea în avocatură.

Ea activează la CDA din martie 2022, inițial în calitate de consilier juridic responsabil pentru un centru de plasament al refugiaților din municipiul Chișinău iar în prezent este membră a staff-ului central al asociației și consilier juridic CDA pentru protecția copilului.

Irina Vrancean

Protection Officer

Irina Vrancean graduated from the State University of Moldova, Faculty of Law, majoring in economic law, and obtained a master’s degree in civil law at the same  education institution.

She has more than 10 years of professional experience as a senior lawyer, judicial assistant, legal consultant at several companies, as well as in the Centru Court, Chisinau municipality. 

From 28.01.22-28.01.24 Irina Vrancean has been working as a trainee advocate.

She has been working at CDA since March 2022, initially as a legal advisor responsible for a refugee placement centre in Chisinau municipality and currently she is a member of the central staff of the association and CDA legal advisor for child protection.

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

CDA International Partner

In 2022- 2023 alone, CDA carried out several projects in cooperation with or funded by such international or humanitarian organizations as UNHCR-Moldova, UNDP Moldova, Council of Europe Office in Chisinau, International Organization of the Francophonie, Soros Foundation Moldova, Oxfam International, Farmacéuticos Mundi, HEKS/ EPER, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Austrian Development Agency (ADA), NACHBAR IN NOT (NiN) Foundation, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, US Embassy in Moldova.

Oleg Palii

Director Executiv

Oleg Palii activează în CDA începând cu 1998. Din 2017 este directorul executiv al Asociației. Are o experiență de peste 25 de ani de activitate în domeniul azilului și de formator național și internațional în probleme vizând drepturile refugiaților și apatrizilor. Este printre autorii mai multor studii și publicații la tema drepturilor refugiaților și apatrizilor.

Este membru al Uniunii Avocaților din Moldova, iar în perioada 2012-2014 a fost membru al Comisiei pentru Cetățenie și Azil Politic a Președintelui Republicii Moldova.

A creat și coordonat “Clinica juridică în domeniul azilului și apatridiei” (2013 – 2018).
A înaintat mai multe propuneri pentru îmbunătățirea legislației în domeniul azilului, apatridiei și cetățeniei, și, prin subiecții cu drept de sesizare a Curții Constituționale, propuneri pentru contestarea anumitor dispoziții din Legea privind azilul și Legea cetățeniei.

Olga Ojog

CDA Legal Advisor

Olga Ojog is CDA’s legal advisor for foreigners, refugees, stateless persons, asylum seekers, as well as one of the organization’s trainers in the areas of asylum, child protection, gender-based violence.

She is the co-author of the curriculum and training programme for social welfare staff and local guardianship authorities.
Olga Ojog graduated from the Faculty of Law of the USM, specializing in economic law, and obtained a Master’s degree from the same higher education institution, also specializing in economic law.

She is a licensed advocate since 2008 and has more than 15 years of experience as an expert and trainer in the field of combating gender-based violence.
Her activities related to the practice of law have included legal assistance to victims of domestic violence, representation of their interests in court, settlement of disputes related to divorce, division of property, determination of children’s residence, maintenance.

Ina Galan

Member of the CDA Team

Ina Galan is a member of the CDA team since June 2022. She studied at the Faculty of Romanian philology of the State University of Moldova. Ina Galan worked (2000-2011) as a specialist-coordinator in the Cahul District Prosecutor’s Office. From 2011 to 2022 he worked at the People’s Advocate (Ombudsman) Office (PAO). As Deputy Head of the Human Rights Promotion and Communication Department of the PAO, in addition to other activities related to the promotion of human rights, he was in charge of organizing and coordinating information and training activities in the field of human rights. Ina Galan is the author of several human rights training courses for various groups of professionals, developed under the auspices of the Ombudsman Institution. Under Ina Galan’s leadership, the team of trainers of the PAO has been strengthened, several training courses have been developed for carabinieri, prison employees, social workers, doctors. Ina Galan has provided methodical support to trainers in carrying out training activities, she has supported, as a trainer, numerous information and training activities with adults and children.
People’s Advocate Office (PAO)

CDA National Partner

Public Association „Law Center of Advocates” (CDA) has been cooperating for many years with the People’s Advocate Office (PAO) in matters on respecting the rights of asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection, undocumented, stateless persons, foreigners. In September 2021, CDA and PAO signed a collaboration agreement.

In cooperation with the PAO were elaborated the Thematic Study “Observance of the rights of foreign citizens in state custody”; Thematic Report “Three years of joint border monitoring. Office of the People’s Advocate – Law Center of Advocates”.

CDA is a member of the Advisory Council for the prevention of violations of the rights of refugees from Ukraine, created within the People’s Advocate’s Office on March 11, 2022. In this capacity, CDA contributed to the elaboration by the People’s Advocate of the Report No. 1 on the monitoring the observance of the rights of foreigners from Ukraine in the context of the state of emergency for the period from February 25 to April 30, 2022.

Representatives of the PAO are involved in the projects carried out by the CDA on monitoring the observance of the rights of foreigners in the accommodation centers for refugees from Ukraine.

General Inspectorate of Border Police (GIBP)

CDA National Partner

The Border Police is the public administration body within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which exercises its powers and implements the state policy in the field of state border management, prevention and combating cross-border crime.

CDA has been cooperating with General Inspectorate of Border Police (GIBP) since 2009, when a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between CDA, GIBP, UNCHR and BMA. Cooperation relations intensified during the refugee crisis in Ukraine, triggered by the invasion of the Russian Federation in the neighboring country. GIBP and CDA collaborate in monitoring the observance of the rights of foreigners at the border crossing points, carrying out some exchanges of information on this subject. The CDA also provides trainings for Border Police employees.

National Legal Aid Council (NLAC)

CDA National Partner

In 2013, CDA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the BMA and National Legal Aid Council (NLAC), by which the parties agreed on the organization of legal assistance to foreign nationals and stateless persons in order to be taken into public custody and placed in the Temporary Placement Centre for Foreigners (TPCF) of the BMA.

In accordance with the commitments from this Memorandum, CDA provides initial legal advice to all persons placed in the TPCF on their rights and obligations, and if necessary – the necessary primary or qualified legal assistance. CDA informs NLAC about the persons placed in TPCF who have requested legal assistance. Correspondingly, the NLAC takes over from the CDA the requests of the persons placed in the TPCF in case it will be necessary to provide qualified legal assistance guaranteed by the state.

General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM)

CDA National Partner

General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) is one of the main national partners of CDA. CDA cooperates with GIM based on three collaboration agreements: Memorandum of Understanding between CDA, BMA and NLAC and Memorandum of Understanding between CDA, GIBP, UNHCR and BMA, Memorandum of Understanding between CDA and GIM from 6 March 2023.

Cooperation with the BMA has become more intense since February 24, 2022. CDA lawyers monitor the observance of human rights at border crossings points, help Border Police and the Bureau of Migration and Asylum identify asylum seekers who apply at the border crossing points, receiving asylum applications, providing legal assistance, advising asylum seekers at the border.

The Memorandum of Understanding that was signed on 6 March 2023 reflects the joint commitment of the CDA and the GIM to implement the temporary protection mechanism in the Republic of Moldova and to successfully carry out integration activities for foreigners.

The document aims to establish a support mechanism by attracting additional staff to the regional integration centres for foreigners and the foreigners’ registration offices of the GIM.

At the same time, the parties will ensure the process of informing, advising and facilitating access to protection measures in terms of respect for the rights of foreigners, in particular beneficiaries of temporary protection. Joint actions will also aim to ensure the achievement of legal status and promote an inclusive society.

National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

CDA National Partner

Created in 2007, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) carries out the initial training of candidates for the positions of judge and prosecutor, the continuous training of incumbent judges and prosecutors, clerks, legal assistants, heads of secretariats of courts, prosecutors’ consultants, probation counselors, lawyers providing state-guaranteed legal aid, as well as the initial and continuing training of other persons working in the justice sector, in the cases provided for by law.

Being the only organization in the Republic of Moldova that has expertise and experience in the field of asylum, CDA cooperates with NIJ in organizing trainings for target groups of human rights professionals, especially lawyers, judges, prosecutors, police officers, social workers and other professionals, whose work is related to interaction and work with foreigners, stateless and undocumented persons in Moldova.

In 2021, CDA in collaboration with NIJ, BMA, NLAC organized 17 training activities with the participation of 275 people, including employees of the Border Police, and BMA, judges, lawyers, social workers

European Network on Statelessness

CDA International Partner

CDA is an associate member of the European Statelessness Network. CDA collaborated with it to research and compile comparative information on statelessness in Moldova and contributed to the development of the Statelessness Index in Moldova (Moldova | Statelessness Index ENS_Country_briefing-Moldova-Russian.pdf (

The Statelessness Index is a comparative online tool that assesses European countries’ legislation, policies, and practices on the protection of stateless persons, the prevention and reduction of statelessness in comparison with international rules and good practice.

The Law Center of Advocates (CDA), the European Network on Statelessness (ENS) and the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) made în 2021 a joint submission to the 3 rd Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), on the right to a nationality and human rights challenges pertaining to statelessness in Moldova.

The European Network on Statelessness (ENS) is a civil society alliance of over 170 organizations and individual experts from 41 countries working to end statelessness and ensure that stateless people in Europe can access their rights.

Swedish Helsinki Committee for Humar Right

CDA International Partner

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights is a civic association registered in 1994. The Committee monitors the situation with human rights, provides legal assistance, co-operates with other organizations and state bodies for the purpose of improving the promotion, respect and protection of human rights and freedoms. The Committee’s goal is protection and promotion of the human rights and freedoms guaranteed with the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia, the international instruments and the Helsinki Final Act from 1975, as well as building democratic conditions in which they can be exercised based on the rule of law. The Committee sets off from the premise that all people should have the possibility to enjoy and practice their basic rights and freedoms and should be able to protect them in case of violation or limitation. This is the basis of the rule of law, human rights and democracy.

Eurasia Foundation

CDA International Partner

Eurasia Foundation envisions a world where all people have the opportunity to realize their potential and transform their societies.

American Bar Assosiation

CDA International Partner

The ABA was founded in 1878 on a commitment to set the legal and ethical foundation for the American nation. Today, it exists as a membership organization and stands committed to its mission of defending liberty and pursuing justice.

European Council on Refugees and Exiles

CDA International Partner

CDA became a member of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) în November 2022.

The European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) is a pan-European alliance of 106 NGO-s in 39 countries protecting and advancing the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons.

Working together with its members and partners to inform and persuade European authorities and the public, ECRE monitors and denounces human rights violations while proposing and promoting fair and effective durable solutions.

The mission of ECRE is to promote the establishment of fair and humane European asylum policies and practices in accordance with international human rights law.

ECRE strives for a Europe that protects refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons with dignity and respect

Farmacéuticos Mundi (Farmamundi)

CDA International Partner

CDA cooperated with Farmacéuticos Mundi in the project “Advice and legal assistance for migrants from Ukraine”, financially supported through its donors.

The memorandum signed in this regard between CDA and Farmacéuticos Mundi provided legal counseling and assistance for refugees from Ukraine in refugee centers or housed in families on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

With the support of Farmaceuticos Mundi, CDA hired 6 legal to provide legal assistance and counseling in 4 accommodation centers for refugees in Chisinau, Cojusna and Slobozia Dusca.

According to the project, CDA supported important local initiatives, contributed to the organization of various events with the participation of members of the host community and refugees, thus promoting the socio-economic empowerment and their integration.

Council of Europe Office in Chisinau

CDA International Partner

Moldova became a member of the Council of Europe on 13 July 1995. The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova ratified the European Convention on Human Rights on 24 July 1997. The Information Office of the Council of Europe was set up in Chisinau on 30 June 1997, at the request of the government of the Republic of Moldova. On 20 October 2002 the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe agreed to the proposal of the Secretary General to appoint a Special Representative of the Secretary General in Chisinau. The exchange of letters between Secretary General and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova on 30 October and 4 November 2002 has resulted in a Memorandum of Understanding on the status of the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

Soros Foundation-Moldova

CDA International Partner

Soros-Moldova Foundation provided financial support for the implementation by CDA of the project “Emergency legal assistance for refugees from Ukraine”, implemented for six months, from 1 March to 31 August 2022.

Soros Foundation Moldova provided CDA, through an emergency mechanism, with a grant in the amount of 100, 000 USD, aimed at providing free primary, informational legal assistance to refugees at the Call Center of the Migration and Asylum Bureau.

In the framework of this project, CDA, with the support of SOROS Moldova Foundation, hired 5 operators, who worked at the Call Center of the Migration and Asylum Bureau – Green Line. Every day they received hundreds of calls and answered the most diverse questions, such as the procedure for crossing the border, obtaining a residence permit, financial aid, employment etc.

During this period, CDA operators, together with colleagues from the BMA, took more than 41 000 calls, of which more than 29 000 – from refugees from Ukraine.

In line with the given Project, CDA provided expertise and support to the team of the Migration and Asylum Office.

U.S. Embassy In Moldova

CDA International Partner

The project “Legal Assistance for Stateless Persons in the Republic of Moldova” was implemented by CDA in partnership with the Embassy of the United States of America in the Republic of Moldova under a grant agreement from 01.10.22 to 30.09.23. 

CDA directly assisted 59 persons in documentation and citizenship proceedings and referred 2 individual cases to the court.  

In addition to direct assistance to the beneficiaries, CDA has advocated for legislative changes to provide for the guaranteed right to Moldovan citizenship for every child born in our country.  This concerns the amendment of the Law on the Citizenship of the Republic of Moldova No. 1024/2000 and other normative acts related to the simplification of the procedure for acquiring the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova. The efforts of the CDA have been successful. These amendments have been implemented and will enter into force on 1 November 2023. 

The CDA organized three round tables on statelessness and documentation issues with the participation of more than 70 people, representatives of the authorities responsible for documentation and naturalization of stateless persons, lawyers, social workers.  

Through its network of advisers in the country,  CDA informed local authorities about the CDA’s free legal assistance in statelessness cases.  The Association has also signed cooperation agreements with some district social assistance directorates and town halls in the Republic of Moldova, in order to increase the efficiency of assistance to stateless persons.  

As a result, with the involvement of local public authorities, 26 undocumented persons have turned to the CDA for assistance, 15 of whom were documented with Moldovan identity cards. 

The project period coincided with the war in Ukraine, and the need for close collaboration with Ukrainian colleagues arose. The CDA cooperated with the Ukrainian NGO ’10 Kvitnea’ to help undocumented people who needed legal

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Netherlands

CDA International Partner

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the channel through which the Dutch Government communicates with foreign governments and international organisations. It coordinates and carries out Dutch foreign policy. The Ministry has two halves: its headquarters in The Hague and its missions abroad (embassies, consulates, and permanent representations).

Organisation internationale de la Francophonie

CDA International Partner

CDA implements a new training project on the protection rights and legal support of migrants, refugees, and stateless persons.

The project is funded by the International Organization of the Francophonie, will be carried out by the end of March 2023, and will be for training of the representatives of four categories of asylum professionals.

At least 190 lawyers and representatives of guardianship authorities/child protection social services; non-legal NGOs; representatives of the Bureau for Migration and Asylum will benefit of 12 training sessions on the rights, protection and legal support of migrants, refugees, and stateless persons.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the capacities of human rights and asylum professionals to enhance legal assistance, protection and support to foreigners, asylum seekers, refugees, and stateless persons in the Republic of Moldova.

Oxfam International

CDA International Partner

The project “Decentralized support for Ukrainian refugees”, funded by the international humanitarian organization Oxfam, was implemented by CDA in the period 01.04.2022 – 31.03.2023, targeting displaced persons from Ukraine living in host communities in 10 districts of the country, representatives of local public authorities and members of local communities.

Through the establishment of decentralized offices, mobile teams, CDA employees facilitated access of displaced persons from Ukraine to legal aid services. They organized events for social cohesion and integration of beneficiaries into local communities. CDA lawyers also trained social workers on national and international legislation on refugee rights, national asylum procedures, temporary protection; the legal situation of children coming from Ukraine to Moldova.

The CDA supported the implementation of local projects in the host community, such as the procurement of lifts adapted to the needs of people with disabilities for the Stefan-Vodă Culture House and the District Library of Causeni; the procurement of a laptop and shelves for the Causeni District Library; the donation of goods and supplies needed by youth centres, creative centres, district councils, schools and other institutions in local communities.

Within the framework of the Project were carried out:
– 72 information sessions;
– 35 social cohesion events;
– 14 trainings for social workers;
– the Campaign – Road Education Week “A pedestrian of grade 10” was carried out;
– an essay competition;
– 26885 individual counsellors were provided.

United States Agency for International Development

CDA International Partner

USAID partners with the Government of Moldova (GOM) and its people in moving the country along its journey to self-reliance. USAID’s goal is to help build a competitive and democratic European Republic of Moldova that resists malign influences while being powered by an engaged citizenry and catalytic partnerships with the private sector.

In support of promoting Moldova’s participatory democracy, USAID focuses on direct assistance to public institutions in order to catalyze citizen engagement in their communities and to drive demand for accountable governance and stronger democratic institutions.

In bolstering the country’s economic growth, USAID provides direct sector support to elevating the role of the private sector and leveraging creative partnerships in transformative sectors.

United Nations Development Programme

CDA International Partner

The project “Strengthening access to justice through legal empowerment of  refugees in Moldova”, funded by Sweden through the UNDP Global Programme on Strengthening the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Justice and Security for Peace and Sustainable Development, was implemented by CDA from 21 March to 25 April 2023.

Under the project, CDA developed a training course and organised seven training sessions for 36 police officers, judges and prosecutors from over 20 localities of the Republic of Moldova.

Participants in the trainings strengthened their knowledge in the field of refugee rights protection and learned more about coordinated and targeted response to refugees’ needs, combating prejudice and non-discrimination practices.

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UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

CDA International Partner

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has been present in the Republic of Moldova since February 1997, and since 1998 has been cooperating with the CDA, which is the only legal partner of the UNHCR in the Republic of Moldova.

The partnership agreement signed between CDA and UNHCR provides for cooperation on legal assistance during the procedure for determining refugee status, the procedure for determining stateless status, the integration process; monitoring in the field of protection, border crossing points and detention facilities; support for lawyers, judges, policy makers and other professionals.

For over 20 years, the UN Refugee Agency has also been the main donor of CDA projects in the fields of asylum, migration, statelessness, and the integration of foreigners.

In 2017, with the financial support of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), CDA participated in the development of the Quality Standards and Tools for External Monitoring of the Quality of State Guaranteed Legal Aid by Lawyers in Asylum Cases, the Guidelines for Lawyers Providing State Guaranteed Legal Aid in Asylum Cases, and the Curriculum for Continuing Legal Education of Lawyers Providing State Guaranteed Legal Aid in Asylum Cases.

UNHCR also financially supports the activities of the CDA and during the refugee crisis in 2022, such as monitoring the observance of refugee rights at border crossings, providing advice and legal assistance in refugee accommodation centers, providing primary legal assistance and information to telephone counseling hot lines, through online communication platforms and through the distribution of printed information materials

On 18 January 2023, the UN Refugee Agency Representative in the Republic of Moldova, Francesca Bonelli, and the Executive Director of CDA, Oleg Palii, signed the 25th cooperation agreement between UNHCR Moldova and CDA.

UNHCR-Moldova and the Law Centre of Advocates will develop cooperation in providing legal support and protection to refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, foreign nationals, displaced and undocumented persons.

Mihail Gangan

Protection Officer SSD

Mihail Gangan is a protection officer on statelessness procedure. He provides legal advice and legal assistance to undocumented persons, stateless persons and persons with undetermined legal status.

Mihail Gangan obtained his law degree from the University of European Studies of Moldova and has taken several courses in management. He applied his managerial skills in practice at ATD Technologies.

Mihail Gangan has been working at CDA since 2022, for a period – as a legal advisor at a refugee placement centre in Chisinau municipality. He holds a license of advocate.

Mihail Gangan is fluent in Romanian (mother tongue), has advanced knowledge of Russian, intermediate knowledge of English, and basic knowledge of German.

Larisa Voloșin

Protection Officer

Larisa Volosin joined the CDA team in March 2022, working as legal advisor. She is protection officer at CDA and coordinates the work of the organization’s legal advisors in Chisinau municipality and some districts of the country.

She holds a degree in law (USM) and a master’s degree in civil law from ULIM.

She started her professional activity at the Prosecutor General’s Office. For 10 years she worked in the Ministry of Justice, among the positions she held was the head of the Section for the registration of normative acts and editorial works within the Department for the systematization of legislation and the elaboration of draft laws. Larisa Volosin has been working as an advocate since 2002.

Raisa Moroza

Protection Officer

Raisa Morozan is an advocate, protection officer at the CDA and coordinates the activity of the organization’s legal advisors, who work in several districts of the country. She is also one of the trainers of the organization.

Raisa Morozan studied at the USM, Faculty of Law, and obtained a Master’s degree in civil judicial procedures at the same education institution.

Raisa Morozan is a member of the CDA team since July 2022, previously working as a trainee lawyer and legal consultant, she was an advisor in the Cabinet of the Minister of Justice.
Raisa Morozan is a member of the Moldovan Young Lawyers Association and LEAD Moldova community – a community of young lawyers, judges, prosecutors and other legal specialists who interface with the analogous community in Romania – LFJ.

Raisa Morozan is fluent in Romanian, which is her mother tongue, has an advanced knowledge of Russian and is at A2 level in English.

Ion Bambuleac

Protection Officer RSD

Ion Bambuleac has been working at the CDA since 2018, currently – as protection officer on asylum procedure.

He has 5 years of experience in training professionals in the field of asylum, asylum procedures, has practical skills in examining asylum cases in the Republic of Moldova, where beneficiaries from different countries of origin are concerned.

Ion Bambuleac has worked in the associative sector, but also in international human rights organizations, being involved in the implementation of projects for monitoring the electoral process (Promo-LEX); promoting equality, non-discrimination, intercultural youth exchanges (Charity, Intercultural Exchange Project, Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation).

He was a human rights consultant at OHCHR Moldova and a consultant for supporting the National Youth Council of Moldova in reporting to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at UNICEF Moldova.

Ion Bambuleac studied international law at USM, holds a Master’s degree in international law (USM) and in constitutional and administrative law (AAP).

He is currently studying at the Doctoral School of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and the University of European Political and Economic Studies “Constantin Stere”.

Ion Bambuleac is fluent in Romanian and Russian, which are his mother tongues, and has advanced (C1) knowledge of English and Ukrainian.

Natalia Vișanu

Communications Officer

Natalia Vișanu is the CDA’s Communications Officer. She has more than 30 years of experience working in media and public relations, of which more than 10 years – in the field of human rights promotion.

She worked at IPNA “Teleradio-Moldova” Company, as a parliamentary correspondent; was a senior consultant and later head of the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Moldova; head of the Service, and later of the Communication and Human Rights Promotion Department at the People’s Advocate (Ombudsman) Office.

Natalia Vișanu graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences of USM, the Faculty of Law of ULIM, holds a master’s degree in international relations and political science (AAP) and is a member of the Press Council of the Republic of Moldova.

Natalia Vișanu supports the communication activities of the CDA, which may include tasks in the field of internal, external or risk communication.
She is fluent in Romanian (mother tongue), has advanced knowledge of Russian, upper intermediate level of English (B2.2) and beginner level of French.

Olga Vacarciuc

Projects Coordinator

Olga Vacarciuc is project coordinator at CDA. She oversees implementation of ongoing projects at CDA, focused on the development of training programs and their organization for professionals working in the field of promotion and protection of the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, foreigners.

She has a degree in law, a degree in Romanian philology and a master’s degree in management. Olga Vacarciuc is one of the few human rights experts in the Republic of Moldova to have attended the Higher Course for Human Rights, organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw, Poland.

Olga Vacarciuc has worked for over 17 years at the Office of the People’s Advocate – 12 years as an advisor to the Parliamentary Advocate and 5 years as Secretary General of the Office of the People’s Advocate. Later she was also the Head of the Complaints Department at the Equality Council.
She is the author of several publications, studies and training programs on human rights, including the “Handbook in the field of human rights for civil servants “, Civic education, curriculum for grades V-IX and X-XII; Guide for civil servants in the field of human rights.

Olga Vacarciuc has been a member of several working groups at central authorities level, including on the humanization of criminal policy; on strengthening the compensation mechanism for victims of inhuman and degrading treatment; of the Coordination Committee responsible for the implementation of the funding agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the EU on the support program for justice reform; member of the Working Group for monitoring the implementation of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy; member of the working groups for the elaboration of PNADO 2009-2012 and PNADO 2018-2022.
Olga Vacarciuc is fluent in Romanian, her mother tongue, and Russian. She speaks English at beginner level (A2) and French at intermediate level (B2).

Svetlana Jioara

Program Director

Svetlana Jioară is the CDA’s programme director. She has extensive experience in implementing international humanitarian and refugee aid programmes, establishing and maintaining relations with international organizations, donors and national authorities, as well as producing high-quality analytical studies and reports.

Svetlana Jioară worked for over 8 years at the UN Refugee Agency in Moldova, during which time she contributed to increasing the implementation rate of projects, facilitated access of many refugees to banking services and housing, represented UNHCR in UN working groups on gender, social protection, access to education and health system, carried out many other activities aimed at increasing the effectiveness of projects implemented by UNHCR Moldova.

Svetlana Jioară studied at the State University of Moldova and holds two master’s degrees – in public law and in political science and governance.

She is fluent in Romanian and Russian and has advanced (C2) knowledge of English.
Oleg Palii

Executive Director

Oleg Palii has been working in CDA since 1998. Since 2017 he has been the Executive Director of the Association. He has more than 25 years of experience working in the field of asylum and as a national and international trainer on refugee and stateless rights issues. He is among the authors of several studies and publications on refugee and stateless rights.

Oleg Palii is a member of the Union of Advocates of the Republic of Moldova and in 2012-2014 he was a member of the Commission for Citizenship and Political Asylum of the President of the Republic of Moldova. From 2013 to 2018 he created and coordinated the “Legal Clinic on Asylum and Statelessness”.

Oleg Palii has submitted several proposals for the improvement of legislation in the field of asylum, statelessness and citizenship, and, through subjects with the right to refer to the Constitutional Court, proposals for challenging certain provisions of the Law on Asylum and the Law on Citizenship.
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