On 23-27 January 2023, CDA organized a training of trainers on “Profiling and interviewing persons at the border in mixed migration flows”, attended by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Bureau for Migration and Asylum (BMA) and General Inspectorate of the Border Police (GIBP). The seminar was hold by migration and security experts from FRONTEX and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development, Silvia Lobontiu și Maciej Wilgan.
Training agenda included a visit to Chisinau International Airport. There the training participants had border crossing profiling exercises, i.e. observation of different persons in order to identify suspicious travellers.
The practical aspect of the training was important. Different explicit and implicit appearance and behavior cues were followed and then in the classroom – analyzed and discussed. The exercise was carried out in cooperation with the Border Police.
“This course was very interesting, useful, interactive, with practical activities”. “It was an extraordinarily interesting and of high-quality course. I consider myself lucky to have participated in the training”. ” This seminar was extremely rich in examples and guidance, creative and innovative. Thanks to the trainers and the organizers” – in this way the participants appreciated the ToT organized by CDA.