Social protection measures for refugees, displaced persons from Ukraine, including Moldovan citizens permanently residing in Ukraine, was the subject of social cohesion events held in Cahul, Balti and Orhei on 5, 14 and 15 March.
The activities were organized by lawyers from CDA within the project “Improving access to justice to live in dignity”, implemented by UNDP Moldova with financial support of Germany.
More than 90 of refugees from Ukraine were informed about the rights of beneficiaries of temporary protection to social assistance, about the social aids provided for mothers with children and for elderly and disabled people, about the access to social protection services of Moldovan citizens with permanent residence in Ukraine. Detailed information on these topics was provided by the officials of the territorial subdivisions of social assistance or/and territorial social insurance office.
The participants asked for more details on the social guarantees for birth, death and disability of forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine, as well as on the procedures for calculating birth allowances, care of newborns, applying for death allowances, the procedure for granting disability pensions.
Upon request, the procedure of social payments was explained and the requirements towards the beneficiaries of social payments, the rules of granting financial assistance to children under the joint programme of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, UNICEF and the National Congress of Ukrainians of Moldova on granting financial assistance to a child in the amount of 4,000 lei, the categories of children and families eligible for this assistance, etc. were presented.
Several questions also concerned the procedure for calculating old-age pensions, social guarantees for employed citizens, taxation of working displaced persons from Ukraine.
The events also included socializing activities, which were also attended by people from the host communities.