The Law Center of Advocates (LCA) contributed to the elaboration by the People’s Advocate of the first Report on monitoring the observance of the rights of foreigners in Ukraine in the context of the state of emergency for the period February 25 – April 30, 2022.
The report was based on data from monitoring visits to 10 state border crossing points on the UA-RM / RM-RO segment and to 36 temporary placement centers for refugees in Chisinau and 13 districts of the country. The opinion of over 500 people was also taken into account, including refugees and public actors, managers of placement centers.
The Report notes that national authorities have had a fragmented approach to the crisis management process, without a short, medium or long-term management strategy. According to the document, the primary role in this process should have been played by the authorities responsible for the management of the state border, in the context of ensuring its positive management. At the same time, the multiple derogations from the general legal norms, but also the momentary interventions, denote the lack of a special legal framework that would determine a unique concept of approaching the situation of displaced persons following an armed conflict, as well as its implementation mechanisms.
The report makes several recommendations to the Government and the Commission for Exceptional Situations.LCA contributed to the drafting of this document as a member of the Advisory Council for the Prevention of Violations of the Rights of Migrants / Refugees from Ukraine, established on March 11, 2022, under the Office of the People’s Advocate. The involvement of the Law Center of Advocates in the preparation of the Report also comes in the context of the commitments assumed by LCA by signing in September last year the collaboration agreement with the Office of the People’s Advocate.