Public Association ”Centrul de Drept al Avocatilor” (CDA) has been cooperating for many years with the People’s Advocate Office (PAO) in matters on respecting the rights of asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection, undocumented, stateless persons, foreigners. In September 2021, CDA and PAO signed a collaboration agreement.
In cooperation with the PAO were elaborated the Thematic Study “Observance of the rights of foreign citizens in state custody”; Thematic Report “Three years of joint border monitoring. Office of the People’s Advocate – Law Center of Advocates”.
CDA is a member of the Advisory Council for the prevention of violations of the rights of refugees from Ukraine, created within the People’s Advocate’s Office on March 11, 2022. In this capacity, CDA contributed to the elaboration by the People’s Advocate of the Report No. 1 on the monitoring the observance of the rights of foreigners from Ukraine in the context of the state of emergency for the period from February 25 to April 30, 2022.
Representatives of the PAO are involved in the projects carried out by the CDA on monitoring the observance of the rights of foreigners in the accommodation centers for refugees from Ukraine.