In the last two weeks, several events have taken place within the CDA – Oxfam Project.
On June 30, CDA hosted the presentation session of the Oxfam project to CDA legal advisers from the districts where it is implemented. The participants found out more details about the activities planned within the project, analyzed the events that have been organized in the localities in the country. They were trained on the asylum procedure and received practical advice on how to solve the situations faced by beneficiaries in Ukraine.
In particular, the representatives of Oxfam spoke to them about the importance of correctly assessing the impact of activities in the territory. Also, the participants exchanged experience, discussed about the more specific cases and situations in their activity where a personalized approach was needed.

A new activity within the CDA-Oxfam project took place on July 8 in Balti.
CDA trainers, Ion Bambuleac, Tatiana Chebac, Victoria Tepordei trained the social workers from Balti municipality on the asylum procedure in our country, the rights of foreigners, including social protection, access to health services, employment, possibilities of their full integration in local communities.

The same topics were addressed on July 12 at the training organized in Soroca for 35 social workers from this district.
Public Association” Centrul de Drept al Avocatilor” (CDA), with the support of Oxfam, provides legal assistance to asylum seekers, refugees, stateless persons, undocumented people, people with undetermined legal status. The ongoing joint project foresees activities to strengthen the capacity of local authorities by providing information on international refugee legislation, refugee rights, national asylum procedures etc.