The Advisory Council for the prevention of the violation of the rights of refugees from Ukraine, created under the Office of the People’s Advocate, whose member is also the Lawyers’ Law Center, reiterates the need to grant temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Moldova to refugees from Ukraine.
These and other recommendations are advanced in the second Report of the OAP (https://cda.md/thematic-reports/) regarding the monitoring of compliance rights of refugees from Ukraine in the context of the state of emergency for the period May – July 2022.
In the second Report, the actions of the national authorities involved in managing the flow of foreigners were monitored, following the recommendations of the People’s Advocate previously made, as well as the observance of the rights of refugees from Ukraine, according to international and national standards.
The basic findings of the Report are that the actions taken by the national authorities remain mostly sporadic, the interventions – post factum, lacking a strategic approach and a unitary and coherent management, which reflects close communication between authorities at different levels .
The People’s Advocate and the members of the Council recommend the urgent development of the National Plan for the management of the flow of refugees from Ukraine, in the medium and long term, and of the activity plans in the distinct fields; as well as the elaboration of the regulation at the national level of the minimum standards, the accommodation procedures of the beneficiaries of temporary protection on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
The Report also draws attention to the issues related to ensuring the confidentiality of personal data, especially medical data, during the period of temporary placement and at the end of the accommodation period. Among the advanced proposals are those regarding the urgent development of a unique way of transporting refugees, their unitary distribution in temporary placement centers, respecting the principles of non-discrimination and segregation.