Year: 2022
CDA contributes to strengthening the skills of advocates who provide state-guaranteed legal assistance on asylum cases
Standarde de calitate ale activității avocaților care acordă asistență juridică garantată de stat pe cauze de azil, elaborate și reactualizate de Centrul de Drept al Avocaților (CDA), au fost discutate la atelierul de lucru, organizat astăzi, 12 septembrie, de Oficiul CoE la Chișinău. Evenimentul a avut loc în cadrul proiectului Consiliului Europei „Consolidarea sistemului de … Read more
Legal and informational assistance, provided by CDA members at the events on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine
Angajații CDA au participat la festivitatea „Ziua Ucrainei în Moldova”, pe 20 august, și la evenimentul „Împreună pentru Pace”, pe 24 august, prilejuite de Ziua Independenței Ucrainei. Alături de colegii de la UNHCR-Moldova, membrii echipei Centrului de Drept al Avocaţilor au distribuit materiale informative, au răspuns la întrebările persoanelor strămutate din Ucraina privind diverse chestiuni … Read more
CDA activity between February 24 and August 24, 2022
The Law Center of Advocates (CDA), which has expertise and experience in the field of asylum, has been fully involved in monitoring the observance of the rights of foreigners and providing them with legal and informational assistance, starting from February 24. CDA has been supported by the association’s partners – UNHCR-Moldova, the Foundation Soros Moldova, … Read more
Farmacéuticos Mundi Partnership
Farmacéuticos Mundi is an international NGO for development cooperation, humanitarian action and emergency. CDA is cooperating with Farmacéuticos Mundi in the project “Advice and legal assistance for migrants from Ukraine”, financially supported through its donors. The memorandum signed in this regard between CDA and Farmacéuticos Mundi provides legal counseling and assistance for refugees from Ukraine, … Read more
Soros Foundation-Moldova Partnership
The Soros Foundation-Moldova is a non-governmental, not-for-profit and non-political organization, which was established in 1992 by the financier and the philanthropist George Soros to promote the development of an open society in Moldova by developing and implementing a range of programs and activities that address specific areas of needs including media, justice and human rights, … Read more
Oxfam International Partnership
Oxfam International is an international confederation founded by 21 independent charities organizations that focus on alleviating global poverty. As part of an ongoing project of Oxfam, CDA set up legal aid offices for Ukrainian refugees in ten locations in the country: Causeni, Stefan-Voda, Basarabeasca, Cahul, Ungheni, Balti, Soroca, Comrat, Orhei, Anenii Noi. In this way, … Read more
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Partnership
The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organization founded in 1993. ICMPD holds UN observer status and cooperates with more than 200 partners including EU institutions and UN agencies. Active in more than 90 countries worldwide, ICMPD takes a regional approach in its work to create efficient cooperation and partnerships along … Read more
The European Network on Statelessness (ENS) Partnership
The European Network on Statelessness (ENS) is a civil society alliance of over 170 organizations and individual experts from 41 countries working to end statelessness and ensure that stateless people in Europe can access their rights. CDA is an associate member of the European Statelessness Network. CDA collaborated with it to research and compile comparative … Read more
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Created in 2007, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) carries out the initial training of candidates for the positions of judge and prosecutor, the continuous training of incumbent judges and prosecutors, clerks, legal assistants, heads of secretariats of courts, prosecutors’ consultants, probation counselors, lawyers providing state-guaranteed legal aid, as well as the initial and continuing … Read more